There aren’t any new TV or radio ads (yet), but if you think that on-air silence means the Potawatomi have decided to end their multimillion-dollar crusade against the proposed Kenosha casino and embrace competition like any other good business, think again. While the air waves are quiet, the e-waves are buzzing.
“Wisconsin Gaming for Wisconsin,” the front group funded solely by the Potawatomi, sent an e-mail last week attacking the Kenosha project. They vow to tell people “what’s really going on” with the Kenosha casino proposal.
Unfortunately for them (and for whoever’s actually reading their e-mails), there’s just not a lot for “Wisconsin Gaming for Wisconsin” to expose. Check out the e-mail, where they breathlessly report that the Mohegan Tribe “remains committed” (gasp!) to the Kenosha proposal.
Um, stop the presses.
For the record, they’re right. The Mohegan Tribe does remain committed to the Kenosha plan and its partnership with the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin to help make it a reality. The Kenosha project would provide major economic benefits for the Menominee, one of the largest and poorest tribes in the State of Wisconsin, and create thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic opportunity for Kenosha, Southeast Wisconsin and the state as a whole.
Sorry, “Wisconsin Gaming for Wisconsin”…it’s not exactly scandalous that a successful, out-of-state tribe is working to help strengthen a poor Wisconsin tribe and Wisconsin’s economy.
The real scandal is that a successful Wisconsin tribe refused to do the same thing.
Help put an end to Potawatomi’s anti-competition double-speak and sign the online petition.